JMI Equity’s Women in Leadership Summit

Over 80 women technology leaders assembled for JMI’s Women in Leadership Summit in San Diego, California to network and share
JMI Equity’s Women in Leadership Summit was an interactive day-and-a-half event in February, bringing together women executives from across JMI’s software portfolio. The event provided an opportunity for women leaders to learn, share best practices and common challenges, and network. The event featured more than 80 participants from 30+ high-growth software companies across the United States, Canada, and Australia.
After a fun and energetic networking dinner, attendees were treated to a day of presentations from leadership experts and interactive workshops and were provided the opportunity to learn from seasoned women executives and board members.
The highlight of the event was an inspiring keynote from Kelly Schmitt, CEO at Benevity. Kelly shared the lessons that she has learned on her journey to CEO, including how to build successful teams and meet the challenges of leading a growth software business without compromising on her values.
Breakout sessions focused on finding your power and understanding individual strengths to increase influence and build stronger teams. These sessions were designed to be highly interactive, affording attendees the opportunity to learn and build relationships with one another.
The event’s final session included a panel discussion on board readiness facilitated by Kenna Baudin, Partner and Global Co-Head of Private Equity at Egon Zehnder. Attendees asked candid questions of the three panelists, each having extensive experience on multiple public and private boards. The discussion focused on topics such as, how to add value as a director and how to put oneself in the best position to secure that first board seat, among others.
Thank you to all of our attendees, especially our keynote speakers and panelists, and our JMI Operating Advisors who hosted the event. We are fortunate to work with such a talented, energetic and dedicated group of executives who are willing to share their experiences. We look forward to our next event, JMI’s HR and CFO Roundtable in June.